adaptiveclothingauOct 30 Fall Prevention Around the HouseFalls are a major concern among older adults, with one in three individuals over the age of 65 experiencing a fall each year. These...
adaptiveclothingauOct 28The SMART Watch: Bridging Fall Safety with Advanced Technology Introducing the MedAlert Smart Alert Watch The MedAlert smart watch , powered by 4G technology, prioritises user safety with an array of...
adaptiveclothingauJan 28Adaptive clothing9 Tips for Dressing Someone with Limited Mobility Helping someone with limited mobility in dressing can be challenging. Here are 9 tips to make it easier.
adaptiveclothingauJan 14Adaptive clothingAdaptive Clothing for a Broken Arm - How to Get Dressed with a Broken ArmDealing with a broken arm can turn everyday tasks into challenging feats, especially when it comes to dressing. Clothing that was once...
adaptiveclothingauDec 1, 2023Adaptive clothing5 Types of Adaptive Clothing to Wear After Knee SurgeryRecovering from knee surgery can be a challenging journey, not just physically but also in terms of everyday convenience and comfort. One...
adaptiveclothingauNov 26, 2023Pressure and Comfort CareWeighted Vests for AutismExploring the benefits for weighted vests for autism and those with sensory or emotional challenges.